Observing The Passover Feast

Observing The Passover Feast

March 04, 2024

(8 minute read)

    This is a pretty important subject to our Heavenly Father, since it's mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments about 71 times.  Searching it out can be overwhelming, but we've got you covered.  Here is the ultimate guide for the modern family to observe Passover today.

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    Holocaust Remembrance - Yom HaShoah

    Holocaust Remembrance - Yom HaShoah

    January 20, 2024 1 Comment

    (1 minute read)

    Let us not forget the atrocities of the past, lest we are tempted to repeat them.

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    And the Truth Shall Make You Free!

    And the Truth Shall Make You Free!

    April 12, 2021 1 Comment

    There is a central debate between Christians and Messianics.  It revolves around whether or not we are under the law.  As we are counting down the weeks to Shavuot (Pentecost), I thought it would be appropriate to share this nugget about the Holy Spirit.  You can agree or disagree with this, but regardless of which side of the fence you fall on, this is a truth you will not be able to ignore and it will challenge your interpretations of the New Testament.  

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    Command God

    Command God

    November 22, 2020

    Still, I would like to present a point that I overlooked from yesterday’s message.  The message is entitled, “Command GOD”.  And while some may shrink at the thought of being able to command God, YHVH, to do anything, I lay out with specificity the manner in which we may be able to do so.

    It is quite intriguing that we have such opportunity, In the light of an all-powerful Elohim.  If you will indulge me, this point will make it a little clearer.

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    Comforting God

    Comforting God

    August 01, 2020

    How to comfort God

    (5 minute read)  Earlier this week I had a spiritual encounter.  I woke up at 3:29 am with horrible images and sounds flooding my mind. I asked myself, why are these things in my head? And I...

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    You Have Been Set Free

    You Have Been Set Free

    July 30, 2020

    (2 min read).

    When I was a teenager, my younger brother, Rob, found this little sparrow in the grass one spring morning. We had a thunderstorm the night before and this young fledgling sparrow must have been knocked out of the nest.

    We searched the trees for a nest, but found none. So, of course, we took her in and did our best to raise her.

    When she was fully mended and able to fly we set her cage...

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    Touching His Heart

    Touching His Heart

    April 26, 2020

    Hebrew is a very picturesque language.  The very first letter of the Torah, Bet (B), and the very last letter of the Torah is Lamed (L).  In Hebrew you read from right to left.

    BL (Bael) while this word is a reference to a false god, it means 'Lord' or 'Master, but as we read from right to left in Hebrew it spells LeB which is the Hebrew word for heart. 

    Jewish Rabbis teach that Torah, from the very beginning to the very end, is the heart of Yah (The One True God).  

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    Prayer of Repentance

    Prayer of Repentance

    April 05, 2020 1 Comment

     In light of recent global trials, we believe that Abba is calling His people to ‘Fast, pray and repent’.  If this nation would implement these 3 words, “fast, pray, and repent” then lives will be saved and we may again have the favor of the One True God.  If Abba's people would do this then a season of revival and favor unlike any other, would follow and Father would heal our land.   

    In seeking the Father's heart and in intercession for our communities and our country has led to the inspirational download of the following prayer.  We believe that this is the Father’s heart today.

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    The Prayer That Will Save Millions

    The Prayer That Will Save Millions

    April 03, 2020

    He asked for strength for the first responders, for the news media personalities and for the people going through this unprecedented world-wide calamity.  Sounds good, right?  Certainly, but his prayer was woefully incomplete...

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    Your Royal Wedding

    Your Royal Wedding

    April 18, 2018

    (1 minute read)

    Sometimes it’s good to remember who I actually belong to.

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    YHVH is...

    YHVH is...

    November 22, 2017 3 Comments

         A few years ago I had to make that very difficult decision, that many pet parents have to make; the decision to let our furry friend come to a natural end or choose to end their suffering. I made the decision to end my beloved Pepper's suffering and lay him to a much deserved rest.

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    August 01, 2017 4 Comments

    I can’t help but wonder if you’re sitting there right now, facing a circumstance that you have no answer for.  It was in times like these that David encouraged himself in YHVH.  When no one was around to comfort him, console him, or even pity him, he found his strength in the weakness of the moment. .

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