A.M.E.N. Homes

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The "Church" is growing, but not the way you'd think.

Just as a grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die before it can grow into a field full of wheat, so too must the church, as we know it today, die to self.  Repentance must start with the church, before we see can see the great out-pouring of the Holy Spirit and the greatest revival ever seen can happen.  Then we will see the signs, miracles and wonders that Yeshua/Jesus prophesied.


COVID-19 has given the government the permission they needed to close the doors of the churches.  In doing so they have violated the 1st Amendment right to peacefully assemble and practice our religious freedoms.


Now think about this. Protestors and rioters have abused their constitutional rights and local and state governments have permitted their abuses.  Yet churches are fined and Pastors are threatened with arrest.


Our government officials have closed the doors to churches, while keeping liquor stores and abortion clinics open!!!  Again, think about this.  Our government KEPT OPEN the houses where the most innocent ones are murdered and the houses that sell substances to numb the population's conscience, but have closed the doors on the houses of God!


Beloved ones, we are indeed, in the days where good is called evil and evil is called good.  Our government has proven that they are WILLING and ABLE to violate our constitutional rights.  If they've done it once, you can bet they WILL do it again... but,

...they cannot do it without our heavenly Father's permission.


So, why would our Abba allow the government to close the doors of our churches?  Perhaps because the church has gotten it backwards.  Perhaps, He is giving "the church" a second chance.

Acts 2:46-47 paints the picture of the first century church.  They banded together in communities, broke bread together, met and worshiped in each other's homes and on Sabbath they went to the temple.  But, we don't have the temple to go to anymore, do we?  However, most of us do have roofs over our heads, televisions, and if you are reading this, you probably have internet access too; everything you need to be an A.M.E.N. Home.

We want to help you grow a discipleship community and equip you to obey Yeshua/Jesus' last command to us...

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe ALL things that I have commanded you..."

Not everyone is gifted or equipped to teach, preach, heal or prophesy, but everyone is called to fulfill the "Great Commission".  Let us help equip you.
To learn more about what it means to join the A.M.E.N. Home, and the benefits, Contact Us.

To hear more about the A.M.E.N. network, watch this video.


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