Shalom! As I bring this blog to you today, it is with somewhat of a heavy heart, because I must bring into remembrance of my dog, Pepper.
A few years ago I had to make that very difficult decision, that many pet parents have to make; the decision to let our furry friend come to a natural end or choose to end their suffering. I made the decision to end my beloved Pepper's suffering and lay him to a much deserved rest.
It was an extremely difficult decision. He was one of my best friends.
One of the things I miss most is the way he would show affection to me, not requiring or desiring anything more than to lick my face. He clearly let me know how much he loved me.
There were moments, I’m sure, that I was too busy doing something for him, whether washing his water bowl, or opening a can of dog food, in order to show my love for him. Yes, there were times that I did not notice his affection towards me.
As I prepare for my annual sabbatical, I am reflecting upon this. It is not a far leap to relate the same imagery to our relationship with YHVH. How many times have we been so caught up in doing the work of the Kingdom that we failed to enjoy the fruits of that labor, especially when it came to taking a moment to receive the affection that our Father so longs to lavish upon us.
When was the last time you stopped to take a brief rest and start to feel that cool, refreshing wind of the spirit descend upon you; only to dismiss it, because you still had work to do? We must be careful in our walk with YHVH as to not be so busy that we miss those beautiful times. Even in our times of prayer, we somehow get so caught up in praying to Him that we fail to receive from Him.
Place yourself in His position. He provides for you. He comforts you. He defends you. He lifts you up.
Sometimes you feel just like a child and all you want to do is love on the Father simply because He is there. What if He said, “I don’t want your hug right now; I’m busy trying to show you how much I love you by doing something for you.”
When the children of Israel were enslaved by the Egyptians, Moses was sent to say, “Let my people go!” YHVH’s intent was that His children could come away and worship him.
YHVH desired to receive the love of His children, and literally moved heaven and earth to make a way in the wilderness for them. Just so they could be in His presence, and take sanctuary in Him.
It would almost seem that YHVH, Himself, had a need to receive the love and worship of His children. In fact, He parted the Red Sea not only to show His mighty hand towards His children, but to also receive their embrace. The deliverance was an action to show His love to His children.
I believe His hope was to rest from His mighty work and to simply bask in the grateful love of His children. A love He so desires to receive.
Take time today to stop from your “good work,” even if only for a brief moment, and receive the love that He desires to bestow upon you. It is absolutely necessary that you allow Him to do so.
Chances are, He’s been trying to love on you for some time now, but your busyness has gotten in the way. When you do, you will begin to understand your importance, you will begin to comprehend His gratitude, and, ultimately, you will learn how to simply receive when nothing more is required.
In conclusion, let Him love you and let Him embrace you. When you do, you will be refreshed and renewed. You will be able to accomplish that good work with much less strife.
You will appreciate what it means to labor for Him, as a child of the Most High would, instead of as a hireling. Amen?
Remember, YHVH is love. (1 Jn. 4:7-8) Let’s not fail to receive the very essence of who He is by being so busy trying to earn what He desires so freely to give.
~ David
Hello my beloved brother.
So very sorry to hear about your fur friend.I know the sorrow the heart feels,when losing your dog.
I hope and know the healing has begun.Thank you heavenly Father.
I am a great fan of your spiritual music,that Abba has bestowed on you.I adore your childlike spirit,Thanks be to the Father.I have visited HOl twice within the last 2 years,hopefully my husband will bring me soon to visit and I will get to meet you.I fell in love with the HOI family,Father has indeed given me a great love for you guys.Today @ sabbath service when you sang about building father a house,I cried and was thinking about our new building.The spirit really fell.Also at times brother David I have tuned in to pass Thursday or sabbath service and you are singing praise and The Spirit of Father has fallen and I began to worship with you and go into the unknown language,and hot tears running down my face.So Beautiful and refreshing afterwards from Father.When I first listened to your voice and was like where did he come from?How did he and brother Arthur meet?Perfection together i saw.And right away knew,Father did it.My husband even went wow and he is a devot Roman Catholic lol.Pray for my love o k.Somedays I have seen Father use him,to speak to me,no joke Bro.David.He was raised by monks from the age about 6,upstate New York an altar boy as well.He is deep deep into Roman Catholicism.But,so so kind.Oh,Andre is his name.I purchased 2 of your cds
One for the car and one for home,when playing he always say that brother is feeling feeling it.Yes Yes Yes lol.I had no idea that I would ever ever be writing to love you David my brother,this love our Father has long for now
Enjoy the sabbatical! Rest, Reflect and Renew. Shared this blog on FB. Shalom, Susan
This is a pretty important subject to our Heavenly Father, since it's mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments about 71 times. Searching it out can be overwhelming, but we've got you covered. Here is the ultimate guide for the modern family to observe Passover today.
(1 minute read)
Let us not forget the atrocities of the past, lest we are tempted to repeat them.
February 24, 2018
David my dear brother-Whom The Father of lights has given me.We have never met,but The Father indeed have given me love for my new family in him.David I heard about your leaving Charlotte and my heart did indeed hurt.I tried not to be sad about your leaving,and be happy for you but would be lying.So,my brother David I guess I need to get my husband Andre to bring me to Texus lol