Observing The Passover Feast

March 04, 2024

Observing The Passover Feast

     According to biblical search and study tools, the word "Passover" referencing the Biblical feast, is mentioned 71 times across 15 different books in both the Old and New Testaments.  This means it's a pretty important subject and probably pretty important to our Heavenly Father, right?

     Searching it out can be overwhelming, but we've got you covered.  Here is the ultimate guide for the modern family to observe Passover today.

     The Bible provides instruction about this required Passover. So let's break it down... 

    • What is Passover?
    • When is Passover?
    • Who is to observe it?
    • Why is it to be observed?
    • How does the Bible say to observe Passover? 
    • How should the modern family observe Passover today?
     The entire chapter of Exodus 12 gives a pretty detailed description of how the first Passover was observed, and it also gives some clarity on how it could be observed today. 


What is Passover?

     Passover is a moedim (YHVH's appointed time).  It is a holy day commanded by YHVH.  It is the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Breads, which lasts 7 (seven) days.


Isn't Passover a Jewish holiday?  Who should observe this appointed time?

     We, as the children of Israel and believers in the One True Elohim (God), are commanded to observe it throughout our generations.

     In Romans 9, Paul defined the children of Israel, as believers in Yeshua, both Jew and non-Jews alike.  Non-Jews, through adoption, by faith, become fellow heirs with Christ (Messiah) and are grafted in as the children of Israel.  

     Yeshua, in John 15, explains that He is the true vine, and his followers are the branches.  Paul also confirms that this also applies to the non-Jews who have been "grafted in" to that vine.

When is Passover to be observed?

     We believe that the appointed time is defined in the Torah (word of YHVH).  The Passover is in early spring, when the barley is near a ripe stage in the grain ("aviv" or "abib") development.  Exodus 9:22, 31-32 describes what state the barley should be in to be considered 'abib' or "aviv".

     After the barley in Israel is considered to be in the appropriate stage of development, the people would start looking for the new moon. The Bible states that the new moon is the first sighting of the moon, in it's earliest stages (following the "no moon" stage.) Deuteronomy 16:1.  

     This holy day was to be observed during the month of Abib, the first biblical month of the year, because YHVH delivered the Israelites out of Egypt by night during the month of Abib (Deuteronomy 16:1).

     Leviticus 23:5 tells us that on the fourteenth day of the first month (the month of Abib) at even (after sundown) is YHVH's Passover.  This is also confirmed in Numbers 9:2-5.

     "And they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the wilderness of Sinai: according to all that YHVH commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel." Numbers 9:5.


Why do we observe it?

     We, as believers, are commanded (Leviticus 23:5) to observe Passover every year to remind us how God spared His people from death.  First, in Egypt on the first Passover and again from sin, when Jesus/Yeshua laid down His life to die for us so that we may have everlasting life. 

     Jesus/Yeshua was the last Passover sacrifice (the Lamb of God) for a sin atonement (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; Hebrews 9:14; Revelation 13:8).  Therefore, we no longer offer up blood sacrifices for our sins. 

     Jesus/Yeshua fulfilled this part of the law when He was hung on that tree at Calvary.  Each Passover, it is appropriate to reflect on His sacrifice for us and to honor and glorify Him (Revelation 5:12), as well as remember what God did for Israel by delivering them from Egypt .


How was the Passover observed, historically?

     On the first Passover, before Yeshua, the Israelites were commanded to take for themselves and their families a lamb to offer as a sacrifice.  They would pick out a male lamb without spot or blemish on the 10th day of the month and observe it, live with it until the 14th day of the month. At twilight on this day they would kill him. (Exodus 12:3-6).

     They were then commanded to mark their door-posts with the blood of the sacrificed lamb. They were to sacrifice it a specific way and according to Numbers 9:12, no bones were to be broken.  Then they cooked it and ate the flesh, leaving none until morning.

     Every year after the tabernacle was created, the Israelites sacrificed a lamb as a sin atonement (Exodus 12:5). Today, we do not do that because Yeshua fulfilled this part of the law (Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; Hebrews 9:14; Revelation 13:8)

     In Numbers 9:12 the ancient Israelites were commanded to eat the entire lamb and burn up what they did not consume.  They were not to leave it till morning.  

     They were also commanded to prepare and eat unleavened bread, on this night and for an additional seven days. They also consumed their meal with bitter herbs (Exodus 12:8, "And they shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.")

     The ancient Israelites, on that first Passover, was told to eat their meal with their "loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is YHVH's Passover." Exodus 12:11.

     While in the wilderness, they were commanded to have a holy convocation (assembly) and to do no servile work on this day (Leviticus 23:7). This would be the way throughout their generations.


How should the modern family observe Passover today?

     When should we observe it? First, we too should do our best to determine when the month of Abib is and observe it as instructed in the scriptures (Numbers 9:2; Leviticus 23), regardless of where we are (Joshua 5:10).

     How should we prepare? Second, we've all heard the saying, "cleanliness is next to Godliness."  Although this is not actually written in the Bible, Spring cleaning is a biblical concept.  Before Passover, the Israelites were commanded to clean their houses to make sure to get all the leaven out of their homes. 

     We too are commanded to get "leaven" out of our homes during this time of year. Leaven represents sin. So, although, it is a good practice to go through and do a thorough Spring cleaning, it is more important that we also search and rid our hearts of the leaven of sin.  

"Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." I Corinthians 5:12

     What is leaven?: Leaven is the agent in foods that causes fermentation and causes the dough to rise.  Yeast is the main leavening agent, but some also consider any ingredient that would cause bread to rise as a leavening agent. Yeast is also contained in beer.   

     A little bit of yeast is ok for the body, but too much can cause infections, like candida, or other health issues. Fasting these foods can actually have health benefits.

     See how good our Abba is?  He gave practical instruction to His children that would benefit their health, both physically and spiritually., 

     What should we eat during this feast?  There is only one food that is commanded to be eaten during this feast. Starting on sundown of Passover and for 7 (seven days) the children of Israel ate no foods containing leaven, especially bread.  IN FACT, it was commanded to eat unleavened bread for each of the 7 (seven) days of the feast. (Leviticus 23:5-14; Ezekiel 45:21; Corinthians 1, 5:7 )


     Is there a ritual we should perform, or specific commandments to observe? There are some beautiful man-made traditions, but biblically, there are few "rituals" or "traditions" to perform.  For the modern family, however, it is prudent to tell the biblical stories about Passover, to keep us in remembrance of the purpose for this holy day, to eat the unleavened bread and bitter herbs, and assemble with others, but the requirement for Passover is simple.

     We are commanded to gather with our family/neighbors/friends for an evening meal and recite the story of the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt. We are commanded to remember.

    It is also appropriate to give thanks to our YHVH for saving us from sin and death.  We should also glorify His Son, our Savior, Jesus/Yeshua, as He is the last Sacrificial Lamb (Revelation 5:12). There are some beautiful prophetic insights, but that we'll cover in a future specific teaching.

     On the first and the seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Breads (the 15th of Abib and the 21st of Abib), we are commanded to hold an assembly (attend a holy convocation) Leviticus 23:7.  It is appropriate to blow the shofar to call the assembly, but is not commanded to do so for the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

   As commanded in Leviticus 23:7, we too should refrain from servile work on the 1st and 7th day of the Feast of Unleavened Breads, as it is a high sabbath day.

    Again, it is appropriate to reflect on our Savior, and His sacrifice for us and remember His ministry and His teachings. When eating the unleavened bread, remember Yeshua, the Bread of Life, that came down from Heaven (John 6:35-58; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19).

     There is so much that the Bible has to say on this subject.  We can find many scriptures in the Bible revealing more about Passover.  We encourage you to be good Bereans to search out for yourselves all that the Word of YHVH has to say on this very important subject.

     From our home to yours, may you have a blessed, healthy and prosperous New Year, Passover and Feast of Unleavened Breads!

 Love, blessings and Shalom!

Denise Salinas


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