THIS WEEK’S TORAH PORTION: Vayaqhel (And He Assembled)
1st Aliyah: Exodus 35:1-20
How interesting during this time of social distancing and houses of worship closing their doors to attendees that our Torah portion for this week talks about Moses gathering the children of Israel together for a congregational meeting.
This portion starts by defining the day of rest and worship, the Sabbath day, aka the Lord’s day. He goes on to share some of the expectations for observing that day then goes into an ask for the needs of the temple before adjourning this congregational/community meeting.
Could it be that Abba is doing a new thing here? Could it be He is changing the way “Church” is being done?
During our Sabbatical last December, David and I prayed to Abba asking Him if it were time to get a building where we could open up meetings to the public. Abba’s response was very clear to each of us separately. We are to continue to meet as we do now and to show others how to start home fellowships, also.
Well, because of the current executive order, we are no longer able to come together to congregate in groups larger than 10, so your home is probably now your place of worship, as well.. As you know, we meet each week in a large private home for worship. We observe the Sabbath every Saturday morning and come together for worship and fellowship starting at 11:00 am each week.
You may also join us online, if you’d rather. We encourage you to invite others into your home and stream our services together with your family, friends and neighbors. We have others who are doing this now and would like to invite you to also become one of our AMEN Homes (A More Excellent Network).
If you would like more information about how to start an AMEN home, then please reply to this email. We’d like to help you do this and we can offer tips on how to do this easily.
If you aren’t currently honoring the Sabbath, our Elohim’s holy day, let me encourage you to start this week. Just watch and see how Abba responds (see Deuteronomy 28).